On Cancer

In a few short days our book launches. That seems weird to say. The last time I posted, I had no idea the grief might be the catalyst for saying "our book." This book is about stories, some fiction some not. Mine is a personal piece about my own dealings with cancer. It was hard to finish. I started thinking I'd would write about some reflections of being a long-term survivor. Instead I had an epiphany while writing, maybe you'll pick up on when you read. 

But this book isn't about my cancer, it's about cancer, and it's about the influence of two men who influenced generations of people, David Bowie and Alan Rickman. With all the advancements medicine has made in cancer treatments, even those with influence at their fingertips succumb to this nasty disease. 

All proceeds from this book go to support St. Jude children's research hospital because, as horrid as cancer is to think about, childhood cancer tears at the soul of anyone who has been near it. 

I am proud to be a part of this project. Yesterday I went to Alice Through the Looking Glass. It was Rickman's last released film. One of the lines speaks to why I believe this project is important: 

"You've been gone too long, Alice. There are matters which might benefit from your attention. Friends cannot be neglected. Hurry."

Cancer is a matter that requires attention. Cancer research is a matter that requires attention. This book exists because a bunch of talented people wanted to do something to combat cancer. Please consider supporting St. Jude's through purchase of this book. It is currently available to pre-order for Kindle and will be available in paperback as well. 


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