On Reading

I've always enjoyed reading, yet lately I tend to read in spurts. It could be college, there is so much mental stretching with college, I scarcely have time to read fiction. I don't just read fiction, I read a lot of non-fiction too. In fact the books I've read so far this year have mostly been non-fiction.

Anyway, I go in spurts. My goal for the winter break was to read four books. I'm currently on number six, most of them started since the new year. Once school starts my fun reading will drop off. Today I finished Rick Riordan's new book Magnus Chase: The Sword of Summer.   No spoilers, but if you're a fan of Riordan's other series, you will not be disappointed. I love books that make you feel alive, but on the other hand they show you how mundane real life can be.

 Right now I'm being a hermit, thankfully my son is also part hermit. It's hovering between raining and sleeting and I don't have anywhere pressing to be. Being a college student means funds are limited anyway, so leaving the house requires money, reading a book not always.

In those times when I don't want to read, I wonder if I do love books that much. You only need look around my house to raise an eyebrow to that comment. I own a lot of books, no I have not read them all. I love words. I love having passionate conversations with my son about the nuance of words. I also love the possibilities that exist in books, even non-fiction. Non-fiction is like getting a lecture from an expert (hopefully) in a subject you find interesting. Lately, I've been reading a lot of medieval history, fascinating stuff. I could spend the rest of my life reading about medieval history and still not learn it all...hm, perhaps I will. Fiction is just as fascinating, a world created by someone like me with a vivid imagination. A world created by someone not like me, who has edited and reedited until they have a book. I have drafts.

This is the year I hope to change that. One draft in particular sits on my desk waiting for another round of editing and a tighter ending. I like the characters, I've lived with them (at least in print) for a while. I'd love to introduce them to you, but they are still in rehearsal, the curtain will remain closed a while longer.

I'm going to ride this reading wave a little longer. I've put two more books on the list to finish before we start back to school. Maybe it will create some momentum, who knows.


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