Alacritas: My Word for 2016

My word for 2016 came to me last night after lots of pondering. I tend to wake up in the middle of the night with some great story idea, the other night it was a book title. As I am also in bed and not fully awake, my body wins and I rarely get out of bed to write it down. I rarely want to move except to roll over. I missed the book title, it's buried in the recesses of my brain. Last night it was a word, alacrity. I considered it for my word for 2016, but it's too limited. I went back to the Latin and chose alacritas. Alacritas has a bit more subtlety to it. I like its meanings of alacrity, eagerness, persistence, zeal, fervour, and ardour.

I have several goals to meet in 2016, some long-term goals that need to come to fruition. I have the persistence, I think, but I sometimes lack the fervour to really push myself. Zeal is also something I tend to put on low priority. For instance, I drink coffee. Since we are on a school break, I've been drinking a lot of coffee. I plod from the bedroom (where my writing space is) to the kitchen, fill the cup, and plod back to my desk. Absolutely no zeal involved, if you're not a morning person either you'll understand why.

The other day I was at my mother's and picked up this coffee set she had bought somewhere. She let me have it. I didn't put the sugar bowl in the picture as I haven't figured out what to put in it yet. I drink my coffee black and sugar outside of a cupboard here is just asking for an ant invasion. The pot holds coffee. Whether it was originally designed for tea, I do not know, but now it holds coffee. It's sitting on my dresser. It has a sense of zeal, I think.

The "A" by the creamer, which is holding cough drops right now, is from a key chain that belonged to my late aunt, whose name began with A. Fitting for 2016, a new chain, a reminder of my word, alacritas, and a reminder of my aunt.

I don't aspire to be a morning person in 2016, but I do aspire to get some things done. I do desire to add some alacritas to my routine. For now, I need more coffee.


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